“The price of anything is the amount of life you exchange for it.”

-Henry David Thoreau


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What does it mean for you to become a supporting member of Roots & Dirt Podcast?

It means you gain:

  • free access to all of our printable pdfs
  • 30% off all courses as they are added
  • access to an exclusive (members only) community where you can pick our brains and the brains of other members in the community.
  • invites to quarterly live chats with us to ask all the questions your heart desires.


What does it mean for Roots and Dirt Podcast?

We gain the freedom to continue producing valuable content for a community of people worth investing our time into. This content is often demonetized on large media platforms. Your support gives us the wiggle room to devote more of our "day time" job hours to building the Roots and Dirt community. We hope you'll join us in the journey!