“Hello, I’m Molly Kubesh. I grew up on a small farm in rural Minnesota where I played outside a majority of the time in the dirt and sunshine. I learned many skills from those around me, but didn’t truly dig my heels into all things farmlife, homestead, and gardening til 2021 when we bought our first farm. Not too far from where I was raised we settled in, and this is where our little 7 acre homestead was established and is currently known as Black Dirt Homestead.

This is where my husband and I raise our little children and continue to develop our more simple, sustainable, but busy, life. Here is where we raise Idaho Pasture Pigs, Highland Cattle, Free Range Chickens, honey bees, and recently added a few dairy cows. Besides taking care of the animals, we also enjoy gardening and all things homemade; from raw butter to homemade sourdough. Here as Black Dirt Homestead partners with Developing Roots we will focus on discussing all topics from homesteading to community sufficiency. As our farm and family are ever changing, this partnership will be a great way to provide a way to teach, mentor, and encourage others on why we have chosen this busy yet rewarding lifestyle.

In addition to enjoying life on the homestead my husband and I both work full-time. I work as a tele-health RN Case Manager. When I am not working I love to just enjoy time around the farm, be the introvert that I am, and spend time with my children and husband. I love creating or altering new sourdough recipes, dabbling into herbal tinctures, and canning our garden crop. I love getting creative and seeing what I can create to sell at the local farmers market.

Welcome to this partnership; come learn and grow with us as we discuss all things homesteading and community sufficiency.”



“Hey all, I’m Leta Jacobs. I’m the owner of Developing Roots, a side hussel small business that sells plant vegetable plant starts and teaches people interested in breaking away from our broken food system how to grow their own food to live a healthier life. My passion for real food and gardening was instilled in me from the time a was just a wee child. I truly believe that food should be thy medicine, and that there is so much more to learn in the garden besides how to grow food. I’ve discovered much about life while observing and working in our gardens. I’m quite certain growing things runs through my veins; a desire engrained so deep in my soul I cannot remember a time when I didn’t have a love for nature, soil and the fruit of one’s labor.

As a wife, mother of four, website developer/graphic designer, co-farmers’ market manager I believe it’s possible to enjoy growing your own food and still live the rest of your life to the fullest. In fact, living this lifestyle has granted me the freedome to do so. My goal has always been to help you do the same.

It’s impossible to do all the things well by yourself. That’s why I couldn’t be more excited to bring what has already been a community partnership to you all through the Roots and Dirt Podcast. Molly and I have been trading knowledge, plants, seeds, eggs, and of course some dirt with one another for quite some time now; it only seems natural to bring the best of that relationship to you all. We pray our passion for this crazy lifestyle encourages you in yours.”